Tux Paint download
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One of the best free drawing programs around Tux Paint is a very popular drawing and drawing app that helps kids take their first steps in computer art! Tux Paint interface is very child-oriented. Colorful and simple, it will appeal to even the smallest child. To make it easier for this child, they can select saved images from thumbnails and have the auto save and restore feature so that there are no problems even if they are accidentally turned off (function () {(‘app review’ page) desk ‘)));}); To make Tux Paint more suitable for children, configuration settings are displayed in completely separate and inaccessible areas using images, you can adjust certain settings to suit everyone, including the Tux Paint drawing interface, the language used and the sound effects. From a children’s point of view, Tux Paint is absolutely fantastic. It has many features – Tux Paint stamps, colors, patterns and magic effects and various features only appear in the Brushes area after selecting options in Tools, but with a little exploration your child will find them 100 new stamps have been added and Windows 95/98 / ME Compatibility Changes More than 100 new stamps have been added and Windows 95/98 / ME compatibility is back