Vivo 2021 Smush download movie torrent
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Vivo, Sony Pictures Animation’s first musical adventure with brand new original stories by Lin-Manuel Miranda, takes the audience on an epic adventure in beautiful and vibrant places never seen before in animation.
Kirk DeMicco, Brandon Jeffords (co-director) Authors:
Peter Barsocchini (loux), Kirk DeMicco (screenplay door) Spider-Man: The Spider-Verse that brought Sony Pictures Animation to the studio comes from the animated musical adventure Vivo, which features brand new original songs by Broadway “Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, whose spirit of defending musical styles gives the film a unique and contemporary sound. This incredible story of music and friendship takes the audience on an epic adventure in beautiful and lively places that have never been seen before in animation.
The film follows a monkey who loves music and adventure, making him make a dangerous journey from Havana to Miami to fulfill his destiny.
VIOLET follows 32-year-old film director Violet Morton, who lives her life and listens to “The Voice”, which leads to decisions based on fear. He made these decisions to avoid the worst possible cases in his romantic life, family and business life, and that took him away from who he really is. He got used to the fact that he wasn’t completely his own and that he didn’t see anything bad until his friend’s remark realized that The Voice was lying to him. All my life.