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GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent

GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent

Seeds 50 Peers 20

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GIMP é um editor de imagem de plataforma cruzada disponível para Windows, OS X, GNU / Linux muitos outros sistemas operacionais. Este é um software livre; Você pode editar código-fonte distribuir suas alterações.

A adequação do GIMP para uso em ambientes profissionais continua a ser estudada; é freqüentemente comparado sugerido como um possível substituto para Adobe Photoshop. O GIMP possui recursos semelhantes ao Photoshop, mas possui uma interface de usuário diferente.

Quer você seja um designer gráfico, fotógrafo, ilustrador ou cientista, GIMP oferece ferramentas poderosas para fazer seu trabalho. Você pode aumentar ainda mais sua produtividade com GIMP, graças às muitas opções de personalização plug-ins de terceiros.

. .

Manipulação de fotos de alta qualidade

O GIMP fornece as ferramentas necessárias para manipulação de imagens de alta qualidade. De adaptações à restauração de compostos criativos, sua imaginação é único limite.

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Criação de arte original

O GIMP dá aos artistas poder a flexibilidade para transformar imagens em criações verdadeiramente únicas.

. .

Elementos de design gráfico

O GIMP é usado para produzir ícones, elementos de design gráfico arte para componentes maquetes da interface do usuário.

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Por |2021-03-22T22:45:39+01:00marzo 22nd, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en GIMP 2.10.8 for Windows torrent

Google Chrome 64 64-Bit Download

Google Chrome 64 64-Bit Download

Seeds 43 Peers 11

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Google Chrome is one of the best web browsers and for good reason. You have just bought a new computer and are wondering which browser to use. Since the first release of Google chroma in 2008, it has grown in popularity. In 2011, Google Chrome became the most popular web browser and has been integrated most of its year to year. Now, when you think about which browser to choose, statistically there is an 82% chance that you will choose Google Chrome; the possibility of going to Mozilla Firefox, for Safari and Internet Explorer and for Chrome (64 bits) is completely free. But it is often your indicator. You should check the version of each version of the browser. Google Chrome (64-bit) packs a punch for your browser experience. In fact, Google Chrome is considered more of an internal operating system than just software. You have enough view when adding all services (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); In addition to simply bookmarking popular web pages, there is a high level of integration between your web activity and the Google Chrome browser, creating a more personalized platform to use. Your Gmail account can be linked to the browser, for example, which allows all your preferences and activities to be shared across all your devices. You can also run many applications through the browser, as well as its library of extensions and plugins. You probably don’t need to go beyond Google Chrome to get what you need. Google Chrome is Google’s web browsing solution. It has three main competitors: Mozilla Firefox Internet Explorer and Safari. Google Chrome has to fight a lot to stay popular as other browsers like Apples Safari are pre-installed on its devices (including mobile devices and tablets). As a result, the number of Safari users has grown through people who are used to it and don’t just feel the need to change it. If it breaks a little, don’t fix it. Google Chrome continues to find rest and refinement. In fact, if you have never changed a browser, you may not realize that your browser is limited. The more comprehensive demand options for browsers are one of the main reasons they have created such a large fan. Its extension in Chrome Web StoreGoogle Chrome stays fresh and adapts to the needs of the Internet. You can access any web page with it and almost all technologies, as well as Flash and HTML5, can work together. Choose from thousands of themes and extensions. From AdBlockers and VPN to Papier and Wikiwand (the latter, for that matter, is an extension that adds visibility to Wikipedia). If you like watching videos online (YouTube is the second-largest search engine, so you’re likely to take or view multiple images at once, Google Chrome may be your best bet. Microsoft Edge has made significant improvements as well. in this area, but it is only available on iOS and Android. in beta test mode. Firefox Quantum has also made some promising updates, but it still does not support Google chroma when playing videos up to 1080 pixels or faster than 30 frames in private with Encryption. Privacy is an important part of online conversations with Google Chrome has givenusers the ability to limit their digital bookmarks and their encryption. Browsing history and cookies does not s’emmagatzemen.i no information is sent to the websites you visit, but your IP address is not hidden on the website you visit. Simply by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl Shift N, a window appears that you can use normally but with peace of mind. It works perfectly, but it is not the only browser with this function: most browsers will offer the same type as this one and Mozilla Firefox stands out as an interactive privacy function is one of the great services of the Google chroma browser. Just connect your Google account in Chrome, you can share the same browsing data and home tabs to all your devices (as long as they run from Android or iOS). By logging into Google Cloud, you can also access all your tools (Gmail, Google Drive, Maps, etc.) with one click of a button. Google Chrome has a useful home page with all frequently visited websites arranged in square images to click. Settings can also be easily managed from Options. Can Google Chrome (64-bit) be shortened? Google Chrome is the most popular browser. Fame is not always an indicator of quality, but it is clear that in this case it is. Mozilla Firefox is also an excellent browser and can compete with Google Chrome and especially Firefox Quantum has excellent services, as well as a video player. Not surprisingly, Mozilla Firefox is the second most popular Explorer and Safari option commonly used so that it appears as the default browsers on Windows and Apple controlled devices. They will always do the job, neither the desire nor the power of Google Chrome (or Mozilla Firefox). Updates become less common and start except in reality. Google Chrome takes the lead and thus advances the final decision on Google Chrome (64-bit). Google Chrome wins hands. Of course, there will be people who have compelling reasons for using other browsers, but they will largely be personal to them. Maybe if you are concerned about your privacy, Mozilla Firefox will be the best option or if you are interested in the real world, Mozilla Firefox will be the best option. The overall picture is clear in the Google chroma preferences. They place the user first year after year and year after year comes out as the best and most important expert.

Por |2021-03-18T09:13:29+01:00marzo 18th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Google Chrome 64 64-Bit Download

Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable – DeGun TPB.rar Torrent Download

Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable – DeGun TPB.rar Torrent Download

Seeds 13 Peers 19

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. .

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Windows 10 Digital Activation – January 2021

The easiest and most efficient Windows 10 activator that can activate any version of Windows with just one click.

It is 100% free and virus free from renowned developer Ratiborus.

(only Windows Defender can pee and moan)

It doesn’t need to be installed and can run from a flash drive.

HWID GEN (AKA: Hwidgen) is a digital license generation tool that does not require KMS activation or the upgrade trick (upgrade to a newer Windows from an older version of the Windows installation), developed by s1ave77 from MDL (My Digital Life). It activates all versions / versions (including VL versions) of Windows 10 operating system with permanent digital license. Moreover, the activation process is straightforward, it does not affect system files, and does not use any lost or stolen activation keys.

WHITE GEN is written in the AutoHotkey scripting language (the .mk3 extension in the filename stands for the AutoHotkey app extension), which includes the file (you can extract it from the official Windows 10 ISO) and the open source file on GitHub (compiled as an EXE file). Therefore, you can do the whole activation process manually. Its principle of operation is to use the vulnerability of Microsoft to tamper with the Windows registry to achieve the goal of activation, which works in the same vein as the principle of transfer of the crazy WannaCry (crypto ransomware), as well as the most capableand the lowest key Adylkuzz. (cryptocurrency mining malware) which fixes Windows error MS17-010 used to cause computer invasion. TVA, in my opinion, the author of Adylkuzz is smarter and more visionary. On the other hand, WannaCry is like an insane crowd!

// Supported Windows 10 versions //

Cloud (N)

Core (home) (N)

Core (country specific)

Core (single language) (N)

Professional (N)

Professional training (N)

Professional workstation (N)

Education (N)

Company (N)

Company S (N)

Company S (N) 2015

Company S (N) 2016

Server Standard (Kernel) (N)

Server Datacenter Core) (N)

Server solution (Core) (N)

// Instructions //

The tool performs several system checks and may need to appear for a while (depending on your system specs), you don’t have to panic just wait a moment

When installing a volume license version from VLSC or MVS Business ISO, the default Retail / OEM key must be inserted to re-activate

// Warning //

This activator may be erroneously reported as Threat: Win32: High Risk Malware Threat. Use VirusTotal for a full, authoritative scan.

. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: :: :::.

. :::: | | :::.

. :::: | ——– ——————————– | :::.

. :::: | | :::.

. :::: | —————————————– :: ::.

. :::: | _______________________________________________________________________ |.

Por |2021-03-16T10:22:45+01:00marzo 16th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Windows 10 Digital Activator v1.3.9 Portable – DeGun TPB.rar Torrent Download

windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) Download Torrent

windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) Download Torrent

Seeds 22 Peers 50

Download link

This file is Microsoft software that allows you to download and install Windows 10 on your computer.


no activation required, no product keys, no cracking, follow the installation instructions!

how it works:

This software downloads Windows 10 directly from Microsoft servers, installs Windows 10 on your computer, and enables you to use a digital license. If you plan to change devices on your computer after installation, it’s a good idea to add a Microsoft account to your computer.


Because it’s a valid Windows installer, you can not get more than one copy per device with one Microsoft account. However, you can pass it on by using a different Microsoft account on each of your devices.

Please seed!. windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) download torrent

Por |2021-03-16T01:59:29+01:00marzo 16th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en windows 10 upgrade tool (build v24074) Download Torrent

Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Torrent

Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Torrent

Seeds 41 Peers 15

Lien de telechargement

* Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTI-7 JANVIER 2020

* Version 1909 Construire

* Déposer:

* Taille: 4,58 Go

* Format: ISO jouable

* CRC32: b5d5bb48

* MD5: 6c12a5af01136f88f80ab8a4e53058d8

* SHA-1: 901f35901af5493ba0df2e6fb00c5b6f5cd91345


Intégré / pré-installé:

* Service de mise à jour donc:

* KB4524569

* Mise à jour cumulative:

* KB4532695

* .NET Framework

* Mise à jour cumulative pour

* .NET Framework et:

* KB4534132

* Mise à jour de sécurité de Flash Player:

* KB4516115

Installation terminée / post-installation:

* Mise à jour du défenseur







* Ukrainien

* Windows 10 Professionnel – STD

* Windows 10 Professionnel – DLA

* Windows 10 Professionnel – OEM

* STD = Installation standard – Pour ceux qui ont leur propre clé de licence

* DLA = Activation de licence numérique (HWID)

* OEM – est activé automatiquement lors de l’installation

* même version sur l’équipement d’origine

* UEFI prêt

* (Utilisez l’outil USB Rufus inclus pour démarrer UEFI)

* Outils de diagnostic et de réparation (Microsoft DaRT)

* compressé au format de récupération ()

* Créez une clé USB de démarrage (fortement recommandée) avec Rufus,

* (fourni) ou gravé à vitesse lente sur DVD-DL.

* WindowsAddict, auteur du script d’activation Windows

* J’espère que vous apprécierez cette version!

* Avec respect,

* Génération2

* Windows 10 Pro VL X64 OEM ESD aux États-Unis JANVIER 2020

* Version 1909 Construire

* Déposer:

* Taille: 4,00 Go

* Format: ISO jouable

* CRC32: 094e105f

* MD5: 33da55392c488b7873fe7cb6ea814065

* SHA-1: 3dfcc72ddeba6dc7e52413ef999803896ba29164


Intégré / pré-installé:

* Service de mise à jour donc:

* KB4528759

* Mise à jour cumulative:

* KB4528760

* .NET Framework

* Mise à jour cumulative pour

* .NET Framework et:

* KB4532938

* Mise à jour de sécurité de Flash Player:

* KB4516115

Installation terminée / post-installation:

* Mise à jour du défenseur


* Windows 10 Professionnel – STD

* Windows 10 Professionnel – DLA

* Windows 10 Professionnel – OEM

* STD = Installation standard – Pour ceux qui ont leur propre clé de licence

* DLA = Activation de licence numérique (HWID)

* OEM – est activé automatiquement lors de l’installation

* UEFI prêt

* (Utilisez l’outil USB Rufus inclus pour démarrer UEFI)

* Boîte à outils de diagnostic et de récupération (MicrosoftArrow)

* compressé au format de récupération ()

* Créez une clé USB de démarrage (fortement recommandée) avec Rufus,

* (fourni) ou gravé sur DVD-R à une vitesse lente.

* WindowsAddict, auteur du script d’activation Windows

* J’espère que vous apprécierez cette version!

* Avec respect,

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Por |2021-03-13T12:35:44+01:00marzo 13th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Windows 10 Home Pro X64 OEM ESD MULTi-7 JAN 2020 {Gen2} Torrent

Microsoft Word 2010 download free torrent

Microsoft Word 2010 download free torrent

Seeds 26 Peers 23

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Important Note: Microsoft Word 2010 is no longer a download button for this program that directs you to the latest version of Word. You can also find the Premium version and do your best work with Office Word. It is a powerful companion for all tasks related to creating, editing and managing text on your computer. Works with all popular document formats, including support for saving PDF files or emailing documents via Outlook right after writing (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); Usability Whether you’re creating text from scratch or using one of the many templates, Microsoft Word helps you with a wide variety of tools: tables, text formatting options, color schemes, support for inserting images and clips, and more. Microsoft Word also includes powerful spelling and document checking tools with tagged text and personal notes. Video support is still everything though, Microsoft Word is an excellent word processing program, from a simple comment to a complex report with pictures, charts and Word is such a popular word processing program because it is easy to use and has full advanced features.

Por |2021-02-21T13:01:12+01:00febrero 21st, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Microsoft Word 2010 download free torrent

Windows 10 V.1803-x64-18X1(AR-EN-NL-DE-FR-IT) torrent

Windows 10 V.1803-x64-18X1(AR-EN-NL-DE-FR-IT) torrent

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Por |2021-02-15T18:27:38+01:00febrero 15th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Windows 10 V.1803-x64-18X1(AR-EN-NL-DE-FR-IT) torrent


Gandalf’s.Windows.10.PE.Redstone.3.Build.16299.64Bit download

Seeds 38 Peers 38

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New design Win10PE x64 Redstone 3 Gandalf build 16299 version 03/13/2018.

After downloading the ISO, burn a bootable ISO file to a USBe with a capacity of 8 GB or more, using rufus or a similar program to create a bootable USB. Do not burn to DVD, as many applications need to write data to the application folder

Por |2021-02-12T00:50:10+01:00febrero 12th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en Gandalf

SaveFrom net Helper 32bit-64bit Download Torrent

SaveFrom net Helper 32bit-64bit Download Torrent

Seeds 11 Peers 22

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Free Media Downloader for Helper is a browser extension that adds instant downloads to many popular websites and social sites you visit. Once the add-on is installed on your browser, it uses the service to provide download links that usually require a faster way to download Assistant is a great addition for anyone who encounters and wants to save the gifs, videos, or photos you normally get did not download but wanted to continue. The add-on is designed for the Opera browser, but can run on (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); For this extension to work in Chrome, you need another add-on called Chameleon that allows you to run Opera browser add-ons. Otherwise, you need an alternative application in Chrome before you start downloading files. Adding that not too many resources, but has been added to the adware category from many websites due to the large number of unwanted ads displayed. Websites require more effort, but are a safer option with fewer ads displayed. Generate a download link Once you have gone through the Helper installation process, you will see a download button appear next to any media on your screen. Capture One 20
Without additions, you must copy the direct link and paste it on the website. These shortcut buttons save a lot of time and can be downloaded at reasonable speeds equal to or higher than your normal internet speed. You can manage to download several files at the same time. Listed as Adware This application is often mistaken for malicious or invasive. Many people ask if it is Adware Helper or safe. A must-have extension, Chameleon is also famous for its ad creation. The extension displays annoying ads on the computer where it is installed and directs the user to the sponsored website, becoming a hassle and not a useful tool. Another major concern to keep in mind is website traffic tracking. sometimes it is hidden in software packages and installed on the system without notice. This often happens when you use the quick configuration feature in the configuration section of a newly downloaded application. Websites that work Unfortunately, the list of websites on which SaveFrom Helper works is limited. For the most part, this add-on will work easily while browsing Russian websites and some popular websites frequently visited by users around the world. The list of websites where it operates includes the most popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. It also works with video hosting services such as YouTube and Vimeo, as well as Break and DailyMotion. For unsupported websites, you can try Save the site itself or another program. Installation Process Configuring Save From net Helper requires that you first install an extension called Chameleon if you are using Google Chrome. This tool will allow the helper to run in the browser as originally intended for use in the Opera browser. For best performance, consider using Opera instead of the browser while running this add-onFirefox or Chrome. As a result, downloads are smoother and reduce browser requirementsscan as it does not require additional additions. If you run it in Google Chrome, you may get a pop-up that says suspicious connections are blocked. This is because all applications not downloaded from the Chrome web store, including Opera Helper, are blocked to prevent damage or leakage of personal data. Disabling the Website You can turn off Helper on the website if you do not plan to download files or movies. This can speed up page loading and overall browser speed. When Not Working In rare cases, the helper does not work, you can usually fix it by downloading an updated extension or re-downloading the necessary files after updating your browser. You can specify the add-on status by using the green silver on or off symbol displayed on the expansion card. Alternative Applications Due to the occasional production of ads or redirects to other websites, you may prefer to use alternative applications to download gifs and videos. Twitter Media Download is an extension for Chrome. This add-on can be set to download almost any photo, video or gif you upload from your Twitter profile. You can set restrictions or start and end dates. Videoder is an application for downloading videos to your desktop computer or Android device. The software can download files quickly by splitting them into several sections and then merging them before finishing. You can run more than one download at a time and queue the rest to start the download as soon as possible. VidMate is another video download application for Windows. You can download music, movies and videos with an intuitive interface and support for 1000+ websites, including YouTube, social media, and the best helper is a great tool, but other options go beyond that. This service is known to have ads or use ad-supported extensions if you use Chrome. You can also find this software combined with the quick installation of one of the recent files. The paid version is the only way to use SaveFrom Helper to download videos with higher quality than 720p. The only major problem for users is the restriction of website operation, as most websites function in Russian, except for social media sites and popular video hosting..

Por |2021-02-10T05:42:47+01:00febrero 10th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en SaveFrom net Helper 32bit-64bit Download Torrent

WeChat Shotgun Download

WeChat Shotgun Download

Seeds 26 Peers 19

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A great social messaging and calling app WeChat is a free communication app that allows you to connect with your friends and family. The program is designed for Windows and has many features as well as a social aspect that allows you to discover and make new friends. WeChat supports individual text messages, group chats, media sharing and more. It also offers cool features like LookAround and Moments, making it a mix of social media and messaging platforms. The cross-platform application is also available on Android, IOS and macOS; (function () {(‘review-app-page-desktop’);}); What is WeChat for? Many apps allow users to connect with other people around the world. However, these apps focus on social media or more practical posts. Tencent’s WeChat offers a combination of both, keeping in mind that you’re not overwhelming users. You can easily download the lightweight program to your PC, connect with family, friends or even strangers, explore user profiles, share wall messages and much more! Easy installation and configuration Once you have finished downloading WeChat, you can install it in minutes. From there, installation is quite easy and doesn’t take long. To use the app on your PC, you must install your mobile app and log in. Without it, you cannot verify the Windows app or access your media files or contact verification, you have to open the QR scanner available on WeChat mobile and use it to scan the QR code visible on your desktop. Once you log in, all information from WeChat for mobile will be synced to your computer and you will have easy access to all your messages, shared media, social pages and more. You can also use the Windows app to backup and store all essential data on your interface. Once you get used to the WeChats interface, you will find that it is very efficient. The program opens with a home screen where all contacts using the app are displayed. Touching their name opens a window where you can send messages or call them. If you want to add more people to the chat, you can do so by clicking the face icon available on the built-in keyboard at the top right of the app which also offers various features. You can use it to record and send voice messages, add emoticons to your texts, and share images or videos. An important aspect of using WeChat on the Windows desktop is the program’s ability to transmit media, documents and other files stored on your computer. Since all messages are displayed on your phone, you can easily access them as a source from anywhere. You can use the program for instant messaging with your contacts or to meet new people. WhenBy creating groups, you can connect with more than 500 people at once! Plus, you can make chatting more fun by sending stickers, GIFs, and emoticons. The program also allows you to create posts and share them on other social networks. WeChat offers several features, some of which are reserved for the mobile version, but these limitations in no way impede the experience. The functionscurrently missing are video calls, WeChat Pay, real-time location, LookAround and Shake (which puts you in touch with people shaking their phones at the same time as you). Social Media Integration When you download the WeChat app to your Windows device, you can use it to create shareable posts for Moments – a feature similar to a Facebook wall. When you post images or videos, you can edit them in the app using the available filters or effects. In addition, you have the option to share these messages on your other social accounts and decide which of your contacts can or cannot see your media files on your PC. As mentioned before, the WeChat app allows you to share files directly on the computer with your contacts. It’s also cloud storage, where you can drag and drop files to a chat box on your phone and then download them to your computer. The software also provides a screenshot tool that allows you to capture, edit and send any part of the screen on your desktop to your contacts! Option to Manage Your Privacy When you download WeChat, you have several aspects of social networking that you can connect to and talk to strangers. You can easily limit these functions through the app. All you need to do is click on the Settings option and turn off the features that allow strangers to find you and contact you. Can you actually disable a feature of the app that doesn’t have WeChat security to use? When you download WeChat to Windows desktop, you can rest assured that it is completely safe. It works perfectly and does not slow down your computer either. The app is TRUSTe certified, supports more than 20 languages, including English, and can translate messages from your contacts as well as messages available on Moments. ITunes Download
However, your phone and desktop must have an active internet connection to use the program. Are there any alternatives? Because the world is more connected than ever, many programs are similar to WeChat. Some of the alternatives you can check out are WhatsApp, Telegram, Zoom, Skype, and Facebook Messenger. The latter is the only program that allows you to play with your contacts! Do I need to download WeChat? If you’re looking for an instant messaging app that can keep your chats private or a social media app that allows you to share messages and connect with strangers, you should download WeChat for Windows. However, to use the app you must register and verify your connection with your mobile phone. In short, the program is the ideal choice for;.

Por |2021-02-09T03:36:23+01:00febrero 9th, 2021|Sin categoría, win7,crack|Comentarios desactivados en WeChat Shotgun Download
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